Monday, October 11, 2010

Living the Life

Since I have moved out of my house and into Stephenville you could say I have it made. I live in an apartment that is paid for thru tuition (all bills included!), I never see my roomates, so theres never an inconvenience. I have an amazing job that provides cash on the spot. I have a pretty sweet looking car, when some people on campus don't have one. I even life within 100 feet of my boyfriend! You could say my life is great. WRONG. There are several things I'd love to vent about. First off I don't ever see my roommates, but I watch them facebook daily about how close they've gotten and how they've became best friends. Sure my job pays well, but I wait on people who I see daily in classes and people do double takes at me in the hall, knowing they've seen me before, but not sure from where. Sure my car looks nice, but take a step inside. My right side window doesn't roll down, so bye bye drive thrus. My car also has trouble getting into gear. Why you ask? I honestly don't know, we got it fixed months ago FOR THE SAME problem. Stephen has to put my car into gear or take me places because its so hard to do. And finally yes I live very close to my boyfriend, but that also means I live VERY close to his roommates, aka his friends. I'm not even going to get started on that. ha.
So yes, it seems I'm living the life but,
I'm just a struggling college student


  1. Hahaha! You are hilarious! You must get it from me. wink wink. Can't wait to hear your stories! Post pics!!

  2. It always takes awhile to get used to a new situation. It's only been a couple of'll find your niche! Love the blog -- post pics!!!!!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to keep up with your fun life!!

  4. Add my mom! :)
